acromion tipo 2
Type 2: non-union between pre and meso acromion type 3: non-union between pre and meso as well as meta acromion type 4: non-union between pre and meso acromion,. . The shape of the acromion had been initially divided into three types (which was known as the bigliani classification) 3, to which a fourth has been added 2..
The shape of the acromion had been initially divided into three types (which was known as the bigliani classification) 3, to which a fourth has been added 2..
Tres diferentes formas de acromion: tipo i (plano), tipo ii (curvo) y tipo iii (ganchoso). longitud del acromion. fig. 2. grosor del acromion. fig. 3.. Type 2: non-union between pre and meso acromion type 3: non-union between pre and meso as well as meta acromion type 4: non-union between pre and meso acromion,. Type 2: non-union between pre and meso acromion type 3: non-union between pre and meso as well as meta acromion type 4: non-union between pre and meso acromion,.